Days since Gabrielle & Moses home from Ethiopia

Days since Sophie, Joseph, Isaiah, and Caleb came from Ethiopia!

Grandbaby Jaxon Arrived November 25,2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Update August 22, 2009

Welcome to America...all the kiddos chanted as Matt (our Son In Law) opened the van doors. Pretty cute!

Moses was talking about how they "got chicken". He made a motion over his throat and said "head done then give to dogs" . Of course we were eating chicken at the time...yummmmmm!

Went to Sophie's school for orientation night. A lady sat next to Sophie and started talking to her. She introduced her daughters. She was talking quite fast and Sophie did not understand some of what she said. I told the lady Sophie was new to the U.S. and this was her first time in an American School and she is just learning English. To this the nice lady talked more slowly in a LOUD VOICE....(I just smiled...Sophie was really confused at this time...she has GREAT hearing).

Julie and Lou went out on a date night courtesy of Katie and Matthew's babysitting service!!! We went to WHisky Creek for dinner. When I wheeled in in my wheelchair up to the host area (there were 4 girls there hosting). One said "table or booth" I looked up at her from my chair and said "I suppose a table would be easier for me to ROLL up to???" one of the hosts next to her just gave her that know the LOOK of I can't believe you said that... ok next question "Would you like to sit at the bar (on the barstools or there is a table in the back but it is kind of a LONG walk.?" OK, now I am about to giggle to no answer as the host next to her throws her pencil in the air, looks at this little gal and just shakes her head, my answer "I suppose I can't get to the bar stools and since I am ROLLING in a WHEELCHAIR, it will be fine to ROLL back to the table in the back...???". Lou and I wanted to ask "WHERE"S YOUR SIGN???"

The kiddos went to a follow up clinic appointment. Look out HERE come the Roemhildts. They had 2 nurses ready for us. 5 and 6t shots a piece and 2 1/2 hours later...we emerge.

We went to Valentinos. There were ALOT of State Troopers and SWAT team members there. The kiddos about freaked out, they are scared of Police and Military. I asked the officers if they could come and say hello. They were so kind. They took the time to come and talk to the kiddos, take the kiddos out to meet the K9 dog and play with him, and they got to get into the police truck and turn on the lights. VERY COOL.

Caleb wanted to sleep with his new school shoes...he is very proud of them.

It is a good thing the tooth fairy doesn't come here. She would be BROKE!. We have teeth falling out all over the place. If they are even a little loose the kids yank them out of their mouth! We have told them to wiggle and wiggle and loosen it up but no... Good thing there is not any money involved or they would take all their teeth out. They do have a little chant they do when a tooth comes out and then in Ethiopia they throw it in the wind.

We say different prayers for meals but this one cracked Louie and I up...The kiddos started: COME ON JESUS..instead of Come Lord Jesus....